My Ripper book of the week 16

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My Ripper Book of the Week has to be, without a doubt, “The Maybrick A-Z” by Christopher Jones.  Several years ago, when the first diary book landed, I was aching to learn more about James Maybrick and his wife, Florence.  I purchased all the subsequent diary books, and a handful of Mrs Maybrick books too, just to gain an insight into her life.

So, when I heard this was on the way, I was quite excited, and the book surpassed my expectations.

Chris sets the scene with a selection of dissertations on James and Florence Maybrick, looking at their life, shotgun wedding and the slope into which, their marriage slid!

The second dissertation covers the trial of Florence Maybrick, the controvesy that surrounded it, and the outcome. 

The third, and final dissertation covers James Maybrick, and looks at his candidacy as a Ripper suspect.  What sets this book out from the rest, is that Chris looks at both the arguments for and against, leaving the reader to decide for themselves!

Next up, is the Maybrick A-Z, covering contempory persons and the role they played, locations, biographical information, maps, drawings and photos, and an easy to use reference guide.  All fully referenced, with a bibliography!

The A-Z also looks at the researchers who are continuing to look for the vital piece of the jigsaw that will prove conclusively wether James was Jack!  In the mean time, they have this book to work with!

The book is available now


ISBN 978-1-906823-00-9

4 Responses to “My Ripper book of the week 16”

  1. plang Says:

    aha! so you are one of the Maybrick conspiritors!

  2. RYErnest Says:

    Nice post u have here :D Added to my RSS reader

  3. Notsturdamus Says:

    Aha! I thought Mike was one of the Roslyn conspirators! One S.

  4. admin Says:

    I was actually accused about a year ago of writing the diary! I was still at school when it was first came to light! I have another article on the way looking at Roslyn/Rosslyn!!

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