Frederick Bailey Deeming Articles Uncovered.

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Readers of my blog will know how often my work in one aspect of Hull’s history will cross over into another.  Last week I was tasked with researching the histories of several properties in Hull which had alleged paranormal activity.  One such property had, what was best described as, “A female apparition” so the quest was on to find historical evidence of females on the site especially those that had died a tragic death that might leave behind memories that could cause a haunting. 

It took less than an hour to find a lady who was tragically killed on the property when she fell over, however, it was during the search for other deaths at the location that I came across an article on Frederick Bailey Deeming. 

One of the main problems with Deeming is his use of aliases, a problem that has led some researchers to believe that there could be more material on Deeming available, albeit with a different name.  The second problem is the Victorian British press and their inability to spell these names.  Last week the article I discovered was under Deeming’s alias, Harry Lawson, however, today I searched for similar articles from other press sources from the same period and discovered 14 articles pertaining to Frederick Bailey Deeming. 

The articles, found in The Hull Daily Mail, The Hull News, The Hull Daily News, and The Hull and East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Times, cover the year 1890, from the months April, July, and September.  They feature Frederick Bailey Deeming under the aliases of,

Frederick Deening, Frederick Denning, Harry Lawson, and Henry Lawson, and cover his trial against Messrs Reynoldson’s, of Whitefriargate, Hull. 

The articles are currently being transcribed and will be inserted in Jack the Ripper – From Hell, From Hull? Volume II


Free Halloween Ghost/True Crime Walk

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Last night I ran a free ghost walk in Hull with an idea of covering ghosts, local legends, historical mysteries and true crime.  The initiative was set up after a number of local groups hiked up their prices and started feeding people false histories and made up stories passed on from generation to generation with little historical proof to back them up.

The affair was very low key, with only friends and family, who had inboxed me on Facebook or Twitter, and as such numbers were kept to a minimum, and I was able to control anyone who came along. (Sick of nutters turning up and threatening people)

The idea was to meet at Hull’s Holy Trinity Church a location associated with William Wilberforce, Richard Stephenson Snr, and a great number of plague and cholera victims, at 7 o’clock on Halloween.  As always I turned up early, just in case people turned up early.  I was glad that I did.

As I was stood waiting a gentleman, aged in his late 50’s early 60’s, stumbled out of a local pub and was stood resting against the church wall.  He stood up, brushed himself down, then proceeded to run across the square, drunk as a skunk but rather amusingly doing aeroplane impressions with his arms.  It was all for naught though, as soon as he hit the roadway, which is still covered in sets, he literally went flying!  He hit the floor with a thump and was out cold. 

Being the only (sober) person in the square I made my way over to the man, and started asking if he was ok, he failed to respond.  With that a lady came out from local hairdressers and asked if I needed assistance.  She saw his condition, and called for an ambulance.  As I tried getting a response, I noted that his nose was pouring with blood, and his glasses smashed in bits on the floor.  He mumbled but refused to leave the road.  At this point I had to start diverting traffic, whilst watching his condition, and keeping an eye on anyone arriving for the walk. 

Luckily, two Humberside Police PCSO’s came into the square, and I called them over.  They could not get the man to his feet, but he was mumbling “Leave me alone, go and enjoy your night,” but I still couldn’t leave him.  Within minutes a paramedic arrived and they began treating the man, who I felt happy to leave now.  As I left I walked over to the pre arranged meeting place and met with several people who I had arranged to meet. 

The tour began, and I won’t give out details, but it lasted an hour, took in over 30 locations associated with paranormal activity, murders, witchcraft, and a number of sites associated with “Jack the Ripper” letters, “Jack the Ripper like conduct,” and a number of sites associated with “Jack the Ripper” suspects.  Attendees were informed of the stories, primary sources, and how the myths and legends of the area have developed over the years.  The rain stayed off for the night, and despite the wind and cold, it was a great night with a few laughs and a few coincidences.  At one point I was discussing several witches in the Hull area, when two ladies walked passed wearing full witches attire for Halloween.  On another occasion we were stood outside a pub when the Ghostbusters theme tune by Ray Parker Junior came on.  All in all an eventful night.

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